Saturday, February 23, 2008


1869 TO 1947
By Ralph Jones
Clarkston, Cache County, Utah, is located about seven miles northwest of Newton. The location of Clarkston on a some what east north slope, and in the path of west and north winds, seems to be favorable for a cool climate and deep snows in the winter and a rather late Spring. The pioneers of Clarkston noticed that the land two miles east and approximately four miles south, was always clear of snow earlier in the spring, and that on some of the bench lands east of the present town of Newton, grass for feeding animals was available two and three weeks earlier, in the Spring, than it was in Clarkston.
In 1869 some of the settlers of Clarkston moved to a brushless grassy flat five miles southeast and called it New Town. Naturally, after the move there was a division among the people over the use of the water in the Clarkston Creek. Those who had moved insisted that the new location be Clarkston, while those who remained at Clarkston insisted that the original place remain as Clarkston. The controversy became so intense that President Brigham Young was asked to come and settle the difficulty.
In 1870 President Young held meetings in both places and decided that those who desired to remain at Clarkston do so and that those who desired to remain at the New Town do so and it receive a new name. This settled the controversy and the New Town was named Newton for short.
The people who remained at Clarkston and those who moved to Newton retained their water rights in the Clarkston Creek. The people living in Newton only had one fourth interest in the Clarkston Creek. After the water interests in the creek at Clarkston were used it did not heave much for Newton as it was a long distance for such a small stream and their was considerable loss in evaporation and seepage especially in dry years.
There was always a serious shortage of water in Newton until they constructed a dam to make a storage basin. The year 1870 was a dry and trying year for the people of Newton. The small amount of water in the Clarkston Creek sank out of sight before it reached Newton. There were no crops or gardens. The people became discouraged and some threatened to move away.
The following related incident shows to what extremes the people were put to obtain a living. In the fall of 1870 there was little if any seed wheat for the next season. Bishop William F. Rigby, John Jenkins and John Christensen arranged to borrow 600 bushels of wheat from James Quayle of Logan. They gave a mortgage on the land south of town known as the south field. The interest was on peck of wheat on the bushel. It took three or four years to pay back this wheat with the interest. These men did a real service for the community in getting seed wheat and wheat for flour to met urgent necessities.
More irrigation water was an absolute necessity. President Brigham Young had recommended a site for a reservoir east of Clarkston and North of Newton on the Clarkston Creek. A public meeting was held in March 1871, at which the settlers voted to build a reservoir. It was necessary to place a dam across the hollow in which the Clarkston Creek flowed toward Newton.
The committee for studying and looking after the construction of the dam was composed of Bishop William F. Rigby, Franklin W. Young, Stephen Catt, Swen Jacobsen and John Jenkins. There were some skeptics who said the dam would not amount to much. Generally, however, the people went to work with a strong determination to succeed. It took much hard labor with limited equipment.
Work was continued on the dam every year for a number of years. During the first few years of construction, the dam broke two or three times and let all of the water our. It left the people without sufficient irrigation water and the crops were light. The wheat was shrunk. People had to depend on the reserves, when such existed. Some had to go away to work. Some became discouraged and moved away never to return.
At this point it might be well to give a few more specific facts, to show how the development of such a pioneer project required persistence, patience and toil.
The Clarkston Irrigation District was organized December 8, 1847. In the previous years, 1870-’71-’72 and ‘73 committees had been appointed, sites chosen and work commenced on a dam.
After construction of the dam considerable difficulty was experienced in preventing the dam from washing on the water side of the dam. To prevent this part of the surface was riprapped with rock. The best success, however, was obtained by nailing slabs four feet long vertically on a one-pole fence. The lower end of the slabs was in the mud and water.
The dam washed out in 1877 but was repaired in 1880. During a thaw, when the dam was threatened, a ditch was dug over the natural site, where a grass sod seemed favorable to prevent washing. This was not strong enough however and the dam washed out again.
After the dam had been repaired it became known as the "Little Dam" and the original dam on the east was called the "Big Dam". The small dam was enlarged in 1884.
In the Spring of 1888, a plank on the upper end of the flume went out. It could not be stopped as it was a very large flume. Tons of sacked dirt was lowered into the whirlpool bansed, but with no effect in stopping the break and washing.
In 1890 the company was incorporated at $10,000 with an equal number of shares at par value of $1.00. Officers were Peter Larsen, president; John Griffin, vice president; William L. Jensen, secretary; Amos Clarke, treasurer, and James Parsons.
The same year, 1890, another reservoir was begun about a mile below in the creek at what is known as the Funk Site. A natural dam crossed the main part of the creek on the east, and a great amount of dirt was filled in on the west side of the site. After inspecting the dam in 1892, Dr. Fortier, and engineer from the U.S.A.C., and his pupil, T.H. Humphreys, suggested raising the original dam. In 1897 the dam was raised to hold three more feet of water. A spillway was also built but proved unserviceable.
As years went by other improvements were made; difficulties and troubles encounter and met; other sites were surveyed. During these years the people of Newton became conscious of the fact that water was of paramount importance in future development of the community, and that steps must be taken to make more permanent the facilities of storage and distribution of irrigation water. The people gradually came to realize that one of the most valuable natural resources was, to a large degree, being allowed to go down the river each year because of inadequate storage facilities to impound early spring run-off.
To show how long a period this "Water Consciousness was in the making; and what efforts were put forth from time to time; and the final results of persistent and cooperative effort, the following brief notes are given, taken from minutes of Newton Irrigation Co., books.
JANUARY 28, 1903 Meeting with Clarkston Irrigation Board on problem of sharing of water flow of the Clarkston Creel.
Meetings at this time were begun with prayer.
Meeting was held in the Newton Tithing Office
Newton talked arbitration, Clarkston did not want arbitration.
Establishment of definite rights by law seemed to be the prevailing sentiment of both boards.
That the problem of water rights, storage, use etc. was of paramount importance to these early pioneers is clearly shown by the minute book. From January 5th 1903 to November 9th 1903, sixteen meetings were held. And this continues to a greater or less degree down thru the years.
MARCH 17, 1904, "Mr. Martineau was instructed to consult an engineer in regard to the size and kind of flume and valve that would be most serviceable to put in the Reservoir this fall."
NOVEMBER 13, 1905, "Moved and carried that the Pres. & Sec. be authorized to sign the agreement for the division of water with Clarkston, as drawn up by the attorneys for both companies."
Sample of Notice of Assessment 1904.
( The following is a clipping from a newspaper)
The Newton Irrigation Company, Principal
Place of business, Newton, Utah.
Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the
Board of Directors held on the 20th day of
September, 1904, an assessment of then (10) cents
per share was levied on the capital stock of
the corporation, payable on or before the 31st
Day of October 1904. To the Secretary and
Treasurer of the corporation at his residence
in Newton, Utah. Any stock upon which the
assessment may remain unpaid on the said
31st day of October 1904, will be delinquent and
advertised for sale at public auction, and un-
less payment is made before, will be sold on
the 21st day of November, 1904, at 2 o’clock
p.m. at the office of the Secretary and Treasurer,
Newton, Utah, to pay the delinquent assess-
ment, together with the cost of advertising
and expenses of sale.
W. R. Ballard,
Newton, Utah
November 14, 1910, "A resolution by John Larsen authorizing the directors to engage a competent engineer to survey sites and make estimates for the enlargement of the reservoir.
NOVEMBER 23, 1910, At a meeting of the stockholders stock was voted on the John Larsen motion of November 14, 1910 to hire an engineer to investigate enlargement of reservoir. 1950 shares of stock voted in favor of motion. 220 shares of stock voted against the motion.
NOVEMBER 8, 1913, Due to increased demand for more water year by year, the Newton Irrigation Company tried to hold as much water in the reservoir as possible and just as late in the season as possible. This caused some friction between the Newton Water users, and those people of Clarkston who owned land surrounding the reservoir, because the high water line tended to cover land farmed by the owners. To lower the level of the reservoir, some of the land owners often pulled the boards out of the spill-way, allowing more water to escape than the Newton people thought was needed to maintain the water at the right level. As a result of this constant friction each year, and because no permanent high water line markers had been established, the Newton Irrigation Board voted on November 8, 1913, to locate a permanent high water line all around the reservoir and mark the same with concrete posts. Surveyor T. H. Humphreys of Logan was engaged to make the survey and establish the high water line points.
NOVEMBER 23, 1914, The annual meeting of the Stockholders was held in the School House. Two questions receiving attention were (1) "Shall we hire a man to devote all his time to head-water master’s work?" "Many favored it." And another question of growing importance, (2) "how shall "flood waters" be divided among stock holders, and what policy shall be followed with respect to "flood-water" rights after the flood season?" It was decided that anyone not using their turn during the flood season, could not demand "flood eater" rights after the flood season had passed, and the reservoir high water line began to go below what had been permanently established.
NOVEMBER 13, 1916. At the annual meeting, a Stockholder Mariuc J. Benson "Spoke on the question of building a New Reservoir. On motion the Board was authorized to have surveys made and an estimate of costs."
NOVEMBER 12, 1917. Same motion as above was made and carried at the annual meeting of that year.

FEBRUARY 3, 1919. At annual meeting of the Stockholders, a report from surveyor T.H. Humphreys was read, the following paragraph is taken from his report:
"For the purpose of this report the possibilities of increasing your water supply will be considered under three heads as follows:
No.1 Raising the existing dams.
No.2 Constructing a dam on Newton Creek about 800 feet above the old Funk site.
No.3 Constructing a dam on Newton Creek at the Hyrum Clarke Site, which is situated near the Southeast Corner of Section 5, Township 13 North Range 1, West."
Mr. Humphreys also suggested pumping water out of the West Cache Canal. This was later done for the South field area. This would not have been good policy for since 1919, West Cache has been taxed to its limit to supply water for land already under that canal.
Mr. Humphreys estimated, that to construct a dam as per his No. 3 proposal, would cost $160,000.00 or about $80.00 per acre irrigated.
NOVEMBER 10, 1919.At annual meeting of Stockholders, a report from surveyor T.H. Humphreys was read. This report dealt with suggested plans for increasing the water supply by pumping water from the West Cache Canal or from Bear River near the head of the Bear River Canyon.
Estimated Costs "The entire cost of pump, canals etc. to put the water into your canals as outlined would be $ 40,000.00 and the yearly maintenance including power $12,000.00. This on a basis of 32,000 acres (I think the report should read 3200 acres) is a construction cost of $12.50 per acre, and a maintenance cost of
$3.75 per acre per year. To these of course would have to be added the cost of West Cache Stock, and maintenance which would perhaps double both."
JANUARY 3, 1921. A committe appointed from the Stockholders of the Newton Irrigation Company reported on possibilities of securing water from the West Cache Canal.
NOVEMBER 14, 1921. At annual meeting of Stockholders, after hearing committee reports and surveyors reports and estimates, it was decided to drop the matter of building a pumping plant at what is known as the "Haws Point" for the pumping of water from the West Cache Canal.
AUGEST 06, 1936 Water rights between Clarkston and Newton defined in the Thompson-Godfrey vs. Newton-Clarkston Irrigation Co’s., case tried under Judge Melvin C. Harris.
AUGUST 6, 1934. Newton Irrigation Board met with Jesse B. Barker, a land owner, on who’s property is had been suggest an Artesian well be sunk. It was decided to engage the services of Attorney Earnest Young, to draw up a contact regarding the digging of the proposed artesian well, with funds that had been appropriated by the U.S. Government thru the Emergency Drought Relief Act. The amount appropriated was $420 and the purpose of digging the well was to supplement the Newton Irrigation System water supply.
JULY 15, 1936, A Stockholders meeting held for the purpose of considering the building of a new Reservoir. It was moved and seconded that the Board get all the information possible on prices, amount of water, cost per acre, method of financing, etc, and call another meeting later to make a report on findings.
AUGUST 27, 1936, Estimate of cost of building a dam. at the Hyrum Clarke site had been mailed to all families in Newton Town and to Stockholders, in Irrigation Company. Twenty Six persons were present at the meeting. Estimated cost given in rough figures amounted to $192,534.45.
DECEMBER 9, 1936, Annual meeting, 30 members present. Discussed problems pertaining to a new Reservoir. Clarkston had asked to buy a spring known as Little Birch Creek Spring for culinary water supply. Newton refused to sell her share in the Spring but was welling that Clarkston pipe the entire flow of the Spring to their catch basin at which point Newton would pipe its share into the Newton Culinary water system located South of Clarkston. This was agreed to by both communities and Irrigation companies and has since been completed.
At this meeting it was moved and carried that a committee be appointed, composed of two members from the Irrigation Company and three members from the Newton Town, to be known as the "New Reservoir Committee."
The members appointed were:
M.R. Cooley, Jr. Town Member
J.J.Larsen Board Sec & Treas.
Jesse B. Barker Town Member
Royden Benson Board Member to Town
Alphonzo Christensen Board Member
JANUARY 19, 1938, Irrigation Board Meeting held to discuss town applications of Trenton Town for water belonging to Newton and Clarkston Irrigation Companies. The President and Secretary were instructed to enter protest with the State Engineer against the granting of these applications.
Trenton had, up to this time,. Never had a culinary water system. The waters to the West of Trenton and included in the Clarkston-Newton drainage basin were best suited for Trenton’s need for culinary water. Before and after the above mentioned date, considers time, effort, and expense, was used up in coming to agreeable settlements, protecting water rights, etc. In the end Trenton secured her water system. But it crystallized the thought, in Newton especially, that she must safe-guard her water interests for the future.
OCTOBER 29, 1938, New Reservoir Committee meeting held in school house. Mr. Quate and Mr. Maughan of the Soil Conservation, and Mr. Welch of the Rehabilitation Office, were present to talk over the problem of building a small reservoir for Newton. They were only able to offer $50,000.00 as a loan, at 3% interest payable in 20 yrs. This was considered too small for the needs of the Newton project.
JULY 30, 1940, Stockholders meeting to discuss the building of a New Reservoir and what to do with the stock in the old reservoir. Main Points of discussion were:
1. If Newton does not act now some other community, possibly Richmond would be placed ahead of Newton.
2. What should be done with Old Water Stock. Mr. J.J. Larsen moved we sell our 10,000 shares for $20,000. Some stockholders expressed refusel to sell, others felt $2.00 per share was too small. Motion was not seconded and was declared dead.
3. Jesse B. Barker moved that we vote to see if we wanted to go ahead with New Reservoir. Motion was not Seconded, became dead.
4. M.R.Cooley Jr. moved we set a meeting for August 5th, 1940 to see if old stockholders would sell their stock in favor of a New Reservoir. Motion Seconded and carried by Unamimous Vote.
August 5, 1940, Stockholders Meeting. 200 were in attendance. M.R. Cooley, Jr. moved that we agree to sell or transfer over stock in the old reservoir in favor of the New Reservoir, either in stock or money or what ever was necessary to go ahead with the New Reservoir. This motion was seconded by A.L. Dowdle. We voted by stock held. Results of voting:
1946 shares "NO"
6421 shares "YES"
Total of 8367 shares voted out of 10,000 shares held in the old reservoir.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1940, Board of Directors met and voted to send M.R. Cooley, Jr and D.R. Clarke to a special water meeting called by the Bureau of Reclamation at Great Falls, Montana.
At this reclamation congress, Mr. Cooley and Mr. Clarke met with commissioners Page and discussed with him our problem of a New Reservoir as a reclamation project.
OCTOBER 13, 1940, Motion that old stock be sold for $5.00 per share payable over a period of 40 years, was seconded and passed. No interest was to be charged over this period.
OCTOBER 17, 1940, Stockholders meeting. Word had been received that the President of the United States had signed the bill accepting the Newton Reservoir as the first project under the case - Wheeler Act.
On January 14, 1940, the corporate life of the Newton Irrigation Company lapsed, but the organization continued to function in the usual manner until May 1941, when the Newton Water Users’ Association was incorporated under articles which met the requirements of the United States for entering into a contract for the proposed Newton Project. Upon incorporation, the Newton Water Users’ Association took over the functions of the earlier organization.
The Newton Water Users’ Association was incorporated in May 1941 under the laws of the State of Utah, under articles providing for a corporate life of one hundred years and the issuance of 6,000 shares of stock. The association succeeded the Newton Irrigation Company, and by a quitclaim deed was legally granted all water rights and property formerly owned by the Newton Irrigation Company.
Thus ended a period of irrigation development extending over a period of 71 years. During this time the daily relationship of men with men in solving practical problems has in laying and forming a back ground upon which the present and future generations should advance to better living and understanding.
(Salt Lake Tribune August 17, 1941)
Newton Water Users Sign
$700,000 Dam Contract
Engineers Plan to Start Construction
on Cache Valley Project Within 10
Day, Completing Earth Job by 1943.
Tribune Intermountain Wire
Logan - Work will begin within 10 day on a $700,000 rock
and earth-fill dam near Newton in Cache Valley, I. Donald Jerman
engineer in charge of construction, announced Saturday following
signing by officials of Newton Water Users’ association of a
$350,000 payment contract with the bureau of reclamation
The project is slated for completion in 1943.
Signing the contract were M.R. Cooley Jr., president, and J.J. Larsen, secretary, for the water users’ association, in the presence of J. Stewart McMasters of Sale Lake City, assistant district counsel of the bureau of reclamation; L.R. Douglas of the Denver office of the bureau of reclamation; Melvin C. Harris, Logan attorney, and Mr. Jerman.
Ratification of the board’s action by water users is expected at a meeting to be held August 29 at Newton L D S chapel.
Asks W P A Labor
Simultaneously, Mr. Jerman Saturday announced dispatch of a request in behalf of the bureau of reclamation to Darrel J. Greenwell. W P A administrator in charge of the Sale Lake office, seeking W P A labor for the project. Between 125 and 135 men will be employed.
Repayment of 350,000, amount of the project reimbursable to the federal government, will be spread over a period of 40 years by assessments on water stock subscribed to by users.
Under the contract, users of water on farm land in the Newton area and possibly some in the Clarkston area, will subscribe to approximately three acre feet of water per season for each acre of land. Owners of city lots will subscribe in four acre per season Mr. Larsen said.
Offers Natural Basin
The side lies approximately twomiles north of Newton in western Cache valley in Clarkston creek hallow which will serve as a natural basin for the reservoir. The dam will impound water for irrigation of 225 city lots in Newton, 1435 acres now under irrigation by neans of ditches from the old Newton irrigation district reservoir and through extensions which will be made possible by the new dam - a total of 2225 acres.
Under present arrangements for use of water from Clarkston creek, Newton district irrigators have access to the stream flow five day and Clarkston 15 days of each 20 day period during the irrigation season.
By impounding winter and spring runoff water in the new dam for summer use, the Newton users’ may sell their entire share of the summer stream flow to the upstream users. Mr. Larsen explained.
Estimated cost of the project includes $350,000 in the repayment contract, which will provide machinery and materials, and about $350,000 in labor, furnished by the W P. A as a make-work project, he said. Under terms of the Case-Wheeler act, civil service and bureau of reclamation officials will have direct supervision.
Location of the dam at the site elected, known as the Cooley site, will result in an appreciable saving of water ordinarily lost by seepage. Topographical conditions enable storage of the desired 5200 acre feet of water with a minimum of water surface exposed to reservoir banks and atmosphere, it was indicated.
Get Approval
Presidential approval of the Newton project on October 17, 1940, made it the first to be authorized under terms of the Cass-Wheeler act, as approved by congress August 11, 1939, and amended October 14, 1940. It will replace the present Newton irrigation district reservoir, which was constructed 60 years ago and which is said to be the first artificial reservoir in the United States to have been constructed for storage or irrigation water.
Stripping of foundations and ---------------of the dam and building of a laboratory and shop building will be first work done on the project. Construction of a concrete outlet conduit should begin during the fall or possibly during winter months Mr. Jerman said.

(Salt Lake Tribune September 3, 1941
Ceremony Today Marks
State of $700,000 Dam
New Reclamation Project Takes
Place of Works Constructed
in ‘71; Gov. Maw, Others to Speck
Tribune Intermountain Wire
Logan ---Clarkston Creek Hollow, in which America’s first
irrigation dam was located in 1871, will be the scene of another
major event in reclamation history Wednesday afternoon, when
construction work on the $700,000 Newton dam, first reclamation
project to be approved under terms of the Case-Wheeler act,
will be started.
Speakers who have accepted invitations to offer brief remarks in ceremonies at the dam site Wednesday at 2 p.m. are Governor Herbert B Maw, Darrell J. Greenwell, state administrator of W.P.A, which will provide labor for the project; E.G. Nielsen engineer of the federal bureau of reclamation; T.M. Humpherys, state director of the public work reserve and former state engineer, and O.J. Wheatley, economist with the Denver office of farm security administration.
Granger May Attend.
Congressman Walter K. Granger has indicated that he will be present unless he should be called out of the state on urgent business. Communications also have been received from other members of the Utah congressional delegation. Saul E. Hyer of Lewiston, chairman of Cache county planning committee, will pronounce the dedicatory prayer. Musical selections will be by North Cache high school ban.
Ceremonies are planned by the irrigation committee of Logan chamber of commerce, headed by Frederick P. Champ, and a committee of Newton leaders, headed by M.R. Cooley Jr., president of Newton Water Users’ association.
After conferring with Mr. Cooley, Mr. Champ indicated Tuesday that all arrangements for Ground breaking ceremonies are complete, including facilities and equipment at the site and parking and traffic arrangements.
Head Water Group
Officers of Newton Water Users’ association, which is cooperating with the government in construction of the reservoir, are Mr. Cooley, president; N.Royden
Benson, vice president; J.J. Larsen, secretary; Stanley Griffin, treasurer; Alphonzo Christensen and Thomas E. Griffin, directors and E.R. Clark, director and president of the old Newton Irrigation company, which is merging into the project. These men Mayor R.C. Jones, Roland Griffin, Walter Cooley and J.B. Barker, formed the original committee which investigated and initiated the project.
The new reservoir will supplement the histories Newton irrigation district reservoir, which is still in use after 60 years. It will impound 5200 acre feet of water for irrigation of 225 Newton city lots, 1435 acres now being irrigated with water from the old reservoir, and 565 acres which will be placed under irrigation through extensions from the new reservoir.

(Thursday morning September 4, 1941)
Formal Ceremonies Launch
Newton Dam Construction
Governor and State Leaders
In Both Reclamation and
Agriculture Attend Despite Rain
Tribune Intermountain Wire
Newton - Cache County - Construction work on Newton
dam, first of the small reclamation projects to be made possible
by the Case-Wheeler act, was initiated Wednesday afternoon with
ceremonies as scheduled despite a steady downpour of rain.
Governor Herbert B. Maw and a host of reclamation and agricultural leaders of Utah braved the chilling rain to witness the formal opening of construction and participated in brief ceremonies.
"It is fitting that this project should be carried out by the descendants of those pioneers who introduced reclamation to the western United States," Governor Maw declared.
It was pointed our that the old Newton irrigation district dam, also in Clarkston Creek hollow, was started more than 60 years ago as the first irrigation dam in the United States. The old dam is still standing and its use will be supplemented by the new $700,000 project.
Will Seek More Projects
Ora Bundy, vice president of the National Reclamation association and member of the governor’s new commission for publicity and industrial development, declared "in this work the National Reclamation association has taken the lead, particularly in bringing about the Case-Wheeler act."
He assured the scores of spectators that efforts of the new commission will be devoted, in part, to bringing more such projects to Utah.
Saul E. Hyer, chairman of Cache county planning committee, pronounced the dedicatory prayer and dedicated the work which has been and which will be done "to the divine purpose of promoting life."
History Recalled
M.R. Cooley Jr., president of Newton Water Users’ association, which was organized to negotiate with federal agencies in building the dam, asserted that the pioneers of Newton built the first dam. in 1870, and for the past 60 years they have continually worked and planned for new reservoirs and new reclamation projects to bring farm land under cultivation.
T.H. Humpherys, former state engineer and director of federal public works reserve in Utah, who conducted the first surveys for the Newton Project more than 20 years ago, said "Since the drouth of 1934, the greatest we have known in our time, we have attempted a study to prevent its repetition. We now have 20 such projects which can be built and there is money through which to do it." The Newton project was approved through persistent effort, he declared.
William Peterson, vice chairman of the former Utah water storage commission declared, "we started this irrigation business in Utah when we started settlement, but we haven’t been making much progress in the 90 years since. The greatest wealth and stability of our state lies in the wealth of our soil and water rights."
William R. Wallace, chairmen of the former water storage commission, said he regarded such projects as means of making people "live and enjoy life in their homes in the mountains."
E. G. Nielsen of Sale Lake City bureau of reclamation engineer, described physical features of the projected dam and reservoir, assuring his listeners that it will give them three times their present water supply.
Darrell J. Greenwell, Utah administrator of the W P A, which will provide labor for the project, said "since the W P A was organized, it has hoped to build a number of reservoirs in this area, but until the Case-Wheeler act came along, there was no sound method of financing them.
"Everyone in a community benefits from such a project. It is target that, in spite of the defense boom, more than 7000 Utahns who are able to work and do a good job are still unable to find work. Men who will construct this project will be over 40 years of age, ‘there is a cruel rule which forbids the firing of men over 40 in most industries."
Dr. O.J. Wheatley, economist with the Denver office of farm security administration and former extension economist for Utah State Agricultural college, reviewed the part played by the F S A in such projects.
Frederick P. Champ, chairman of the irrigation committee of ----gan chamber of commerce, and master of ceremonies.

(The Sale Lake Tribune, Sunday Morning, April 29, 1945)
WPB Okehs
Canals for
Utah Project
Washington, D.C. - Rep. Granger has been informed the war production board approved construction of high line canals on the Newton Irrigation project in Utah at a cost of $30,000.
The reclamation bureau says plans are complete and they are ready to proceed as soon as the president has given his approval.
This is one of the projects long held up by the W P B.
Newton Water Users Express Gratitude
Tribune Intermountain Wire
Newton, Cache County - Officials of the Newton Water Users’ assn. Expressed extreme gratitude Saturday that the was production board had approved construction of canals in connection with the Newton dam.
Marcus R Cooley, president of the board, pointed out that due to interruptions of the construction program by wartime conditions, the subscribers may "have been left with the dam full of water and no way of distributing it."
He said that it would have been practically impossible for the association to raise funds for construction of the canals.
"Although work probably will get under way at once on the town new canals, it is doubtful that they will be ready for use this year," He said, "A large quantity of water will be distributed through the old system, however."
Included in the project are construction of two new canals and renovation of another. It will involve about 10 to 12 miles of distribution system and will bring 2500 acres of land under a full water right for irrigation, he said.
Mr. Cooley praised the help of F.P. Champ, director of the U.S. chamber of Coerce, the newly formed Cache County Associated Civic Clubs unit, and the Logan chamber of commerce in securing release of the project.

(Salt Lake Tribune)
Ickes Requests
For Utah Units
Vast Reclamation,
Irrigation Work
Asked for Postwar
A postwar reclamation progress containing Utah projects totaling $181,472,000 was reported to the house irrigation and reclamation committee Thursday by Secy. Of Interior Harold L. Jokes, it was announced in an Associated Press report from Washington, D.C.
Two of the project listed - the Provo river and Scofield reservoir - are under construction. The other are in the proposed category and the reclamation bureau is making a study to determine their order of feasibility.
The projects follow:
Provo river (under construction) $9,000,000 to complete the Salt Lake Aqueduct, build Utah lake dike, complete Weber-Provo diversion canal and Ducheane tunnel, enlarge Provo reservoir canal, improve Jordan river cannel and build power plant at Deer creek reservoir.
Provo river extension (Under study) $10,000,000 for Rock creek diversion tunnel, Bates reservoir and other items.
Scofield - $500,000 to complete earth dam on Price river.
Gooseberry - $1,440,000 to rebuilt ---------dam drive two miles tunnel to Sanpete county and build canal from Fairfiew creek to lands around Mt. Pleasant.
Ogden river extension - $1,898,000 for raising Pine View Dam.
Weber Deits - $927,000 for drainage and pumping to reclaim water-logged lands around Hooper.
Santa Clara - $1,700,000 for earth dam on Santa Clara creek to provide supplemental storage for lands around St. George.
Hurricane - $9,700,000 for concrete dam on Virgin river, tunnels, canals and power plant. Project would furnish supplemental water to lands around Hurricane, Washington and St. George and water to new lands on the south side of the Virgin river valley.
Emery county - $2,500,000 for dam on Cotonwood creek in Joe’s valley above Orangeville. To furnish supplemental water to lands around Orangeville, Castle Dale and Huntington.
Jensen - $300,000 for a small dam on Brush creek at the Tyzak site to furnish supplemental water to lands around Jensen.
Vernal - $1,500,000 for storage dam on Stanakar draw and canals.
Moon Lake extension - $9,500,000 for new dams at Pelican lake, Halfway Hollow, Upaloo and Stillwater and other items.
Strawberry extension - $4,990,000 for earth dam and power plant on Diamond fork. Power to be used for exchange purposes in development of Bear river.
Uintah-Echo park unit - $46,000,000 for power and Colorado river control project on Green river.
Manilla - $1,462,000 to furnish supplemental water to lands near Lyman, Wyo.
South Cache - $2,200.,000 for dams at Porcupine site in East Fork and Hardware ranch on Blacksmith fork.
Cutler - $5,000,000 for raising Cutler dam to make possible up-stream development on Bear river.
Dewey - $41,000,000 for power dam (estimated generating capacity 75,000 kilowatts) and control dam on Colorado river.
Woodruff - $3,000,000 for dam on Bear river near Woodruff, a part of the Bear river project.
Bluff - $16,000,000 for flood and silt control dam on San Juan river.

On the Northwest corner of what is known is Newton as "The Public Square" is a monument erected by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.
Daughters of Utah Pioneers
No. 18
(Emblem of Beehive)
Erected June 4, 1937
Newton Reservoir
Located three and one-half miles North of this maker the first
Storage reservoir in Utah was begun in 1871 and completed in
Enlarged form, in 1886, after going out three times. Length of
Dam, 127ft., height 28 feet, made of earth and rocks. Cost
$10,000. Reservoir length 1 ½ miles, Capacity 1566 acre feet, original building committee, Bishop William F. Rigby, Franklin
W. Young, Stephen Catt, Seven Jacobs, and John Jenkins. First
caretakers and water masters, John Griffin, A.P. Welshman and
Jonas M. Beck

William F. Rigby Comp. And John Jenkins Comp.
Today, 1947, a large percentage of the population of Newton are the descendants of the early builders of Newton. Many have had to leave and make their livelihood and homes else where, because the agriculture opportunities were limited. But the homes and farmsteads of Newton are not passing into the hands of strangers. Neither is there a great amount of breaking up of farms into smaller ones or concentration in large farms.
There has been little inter-marriage of families as might be expected in a small community, and --- as permanent in its nature as Newton is. Partners in marriage hail from Canada on the North to Mexico on the South and from California to Massachusetts, West and East.
I do not know just what affect the early day need for cooperation in building a reserve etc. has had upon the People of Newton. But it seems to me that they have learned the value of cooperative effort.
At any rate there are a number of cooperate enterprises to which most of the farmers of Newton belong and hold memberships in.
1. The Utah poultry Producers Cooperative Association, to which most of the poultry products of Newton are sold.
2. The Cache Valley Dairy Association, in which almost 100% of the dairy farmers have memberships
3. The West Cache Grain Growers, a cooperative formed by a group of grain growers in Newton and Clarkston. We own an elevator at Cache Junction with 85,000 bushel storage capacity. Dividends have been declared regularly on the earnings.
4. Pea and beet growers are, without exception, members of the growers association. Purpose of which is to secure better contracts, grading of products etc.
5. The South Field Pumping Company. Owns and maintains pumping facilities, canals ets., for pumping of water from the West Cache Canal to fields located South of Newton boundary line and extending South to the West Cache Canal. Many of our farmers also own stock in the West Cache Irrigation Company.
6. The Newton Water Users’ Association, about which I have written this paper.
7. Beside these there are a number of instances where groups of farmers have bought machinery cooperatively, and use it in like manner.
We feel that it is more economical for each man and certainly it lightens the load at harvest time where "many hands make light work."
Transcribed by Ann Herzog

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